Group Company

- Address
- JP TOWER, 7-2 Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-7017, Japan
- Phone
- +81-3-6747-5000
- President
- Yoshiya Miyabe
- Business field
- Supply of varied products and Services in a wide range of business:
Electronics & IT, Foods & Foodstuffs, Iron & Steel, Machinery & Plant, Environment & Materials etc.
- Feature
- By leveraging of their business networks in Japan and overseas as well as their years of experience in general trading, and by integrating various functions including information-gathering, market cultivation, business incubation and "project-forming," risk management and logistics, they are expanding its business globally.

- Address
- Jl.Agung Karya VII No.1, Sunter, Jakarta Utara 14340
- Phone
- +62-21-651-1137(key number)
- +62-21-650-7460(direct)
- President
- Michael Iskandar
- Vice President
- Masaaki Tokumo
- Business field
- (ISO9001, OHSAS18001 Certified)
- Warehousing (2 areas: total 100,000m²)
- Inland Transportation (trailers, car carriers and various types of trucks)
- Container Depot (handling empty and stuffed containers)
- Comprehensive Logistics Services (WMS, TrMS and 3PL)
- Customs Clearance (representative service for proceeding consignee's bonded licenses)
- Engineering Service (installation of machineries,includes handling heavy weight cargoes)
- Feature
- PT. Dunia Express Transindo is a comprehensive logistics company which has a long history as a Japanese company in Indonesia since 1990. Operating the largest capacity warehouses in Indonesia, close to Jakarta port and highway, placed in convenient area called Sunter and also placed in industrial park of Eastern Karawang District which is an intensive production base. All vehicles are installed GPS to manage status of transportation in real-time. And also engaged in transportation operation across east to west of Java island by company owned vehicles as a first Japanese company since 2009.

Japan Logistics Co., Ltd.
- Address
- 1-1 Honmoku-Futou, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref, 231-0811 Japan
- Phone
- 045-624-0118
- 045-624-2721
- President
- Yukio Komatsuzaki
- Business field
- Warehousing
- Freight forwarding
- Document villa
- Distribution
- Logistics information system
- Feature
- Having salt-removing equipment and anti-dust/static electricity floor, suitable for handling and storage of high value-added products. Adopting auto sorting/bar-code system, available to arrange careful distribution.